It is good that God is all-powerful, able to do anything consistent with His own character. So if I had been born in an atheists family, I would have probably started off that way, but God would have rescued me anyway. Or if I had been a Dahlit, untouchable in India, God would have rescued me anyway. What if I had been in a presently unreached people? Would they have been reached sooner, or would I have travelled and found Christ? All things are possible with God. So I better work to do what I can to help reach unreached peoples so they can say the same thing on judgement day. To have remained like I was in high school, godless, empty, searching, lonely, that would have meant endless travails into sinful avenues that would have likely wrecked me before now. Who knows? God knows. With God nothing is impossible. But I was pretty well adjusted in high school, successful, able, well liked, good student, healthy. But none of that satisfied me on the inside, because I was someone who wanted the truth. I made up philosophy of my own, nonsense, but I think it showed my search for truth.
I think the key now is to live in Christ's kingdom every day, waiting and watching for His work to be done, and not living in the kingdom of this world, the lost world, of doing what i want and living with unrestrained sensuality. His kingdom is very different. He heals, he helps, he blesses, he confronts, he lifts up, he calls, he sends. We, apart from Him, just die, and cry, and complain, and moan, and complain, and fall apart. Some of us don't in our manly strengths. But in the end it is all the same: life lived in our strength to do our own sensual life. I would rather live in His kingdom and wait and watch for the King to work His work, and enjoy that for one brief moment, than to enjoy days of nothingness and emptiness and crassness and rudeness and sensuality.
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