Life. Fragile, broken, death.
Life. Glory, honor, full.
Will we be here tomorrow?
Will you?
People die every day. all over the planet.
babies, old men, middle aged women, young girls,
intelligent, bored, overweight, beautiful...
ALL people are susceptible to death.
The Bible says we are mist that appears for a little while.
That is God's perspective of the nature of our existence on this planet.
He knows we have an eternity before us in which we will continue, either in a state of grace and love and friendship with him,
or in a state of emptiness and deadness and unredeemed awayness from him.
And compared to that, this time here is a mist.
Our time here is so short. Recorded history is about 6000 years- meaning written down. Maybe 20 to 30,000 if you include cave paintings or other artistic expression. And yet our lives are less than 120 years almost guaranteed. For many they are around 80 years here in America. But not all. Some are much shorter. And we don't know when our end will come. We don't.
It might be tomorrow. It might be in your sleep. It might be in 60 years, or 20, or 2 or 1 hour.
We are a mist. Poof. Gone. Even to the so called great people. They do their "greatness" and then they too die. Their life ends. If they were on God's agenda, it ended for them on this planet when they breathed their last.
But God brought us here for his glory. This world and its history is about God's glory and it is the story of his glory that at present we may not see clearly, but we will one day. We will know.
And amazingly, we can allow him to produce glory to him in and through US.
And even though there is death, and sometimes brought on painfully, intentionally by others, or brought on by disease, or by accident, such sufferings are not full of weightiness, not really.
"I consider that are present sufferings are NOT WORTH COMPARING with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18 niv
Glory is what mists are not. Glory is weightiness, gravity, solidity, greatness, majesty, heaviness, that which inspires awe and wonder and trembling. A lion's roar has a taste of glory. Stand in a zoo near the lions as they roar and you will feel some glory. Now imagine the bars are gone, the lion is hungry, and he roars at you. Terror. Glory.
I want glory. I may be a mist here, but in my mistiness God says I can have a part in glory.
"Therefore, since you were raised with Christ set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things, for you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you will also appear with him in glory." Colossians 3:1-4 niv
May I not waste one second of the misty life producing anything except what will shine in glory.
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