Monday, September 21, 2009

i hate it when Christians are judgmental

I hate it so bad when Christians are judgmental. "Oh, look, that teen is bored in church. What's wrong with them?" What's wrong with them??? What's wrong with you? For picking on someone for not liking something they may find irrelevant, out of date, or just not done well you are just a stuck up, self righteous, insensitive bore. The sin of boring someone lies with the speaker, not the listener anyway. But beyond that, the reality is that older people who judge younger Christians are one of the reasons that young people are leaving the "Church" in droves. I don;t believe they are leaving the church. They are leaving our religious meetings because they cannot stand to be judged by people who say they love God, but actually do not. Who are actually more in love with their own ability to keep their list of rights so that they think God is happy with them, when actually His heart breaks because they don;t care about the people they are hurting. That's what judgmental Christians do all the time. And they should be ashamed of themselves and apologize to every person with a tattoo they have looked down on, to every long haired male they have sniffed their noses at, to every other person they have felt it their right to judge, when there is only one judge and He looks at the heart. That is what we must try to see into. So if you are a judgmental Christian, knock it off, and start loving people and not your own image in the mirror.


  1. Amen. I just started reading Blue LIke Jazz as you suggested. It's kind of crazy how parallel some of my thoughts are to the author's.
    This judgment that you speak of. I really do believe that it soured my first few attempts at "Christianity." I've always been more interested in what is REALLY true. Even when I was an unhappy teen, I knew that there was something wrong with my teachers telling me I couldn't wear my hair a certain way, and being told that I had a heart problem when I didn't sit up straight in chapel. It kills me that people can be this blind.
    The last thing that a teenager wants to feel is controlled. Forcing "religion" upon them will never make them LOVE God. Never.

  2. Some time the judges make mistakes in taking the decisions.The peoples present his life qualities to the court or any other place for his right.
    regards, saad from
    University of the Philippines System
