Monday, July 12, 2010

control freaks and micromanagers

People who are control freaks REALLY bug me. Micromanagers bother me, but especially control freaks REALLY bother me. Most of my adult life has seen a few micromanagers, but honestly not too many. They are insecure and sort of control freaks. But real control freaks who have to be in charge and it is about them, yikes. Those kind of people will make me walk the other way. They are a type of bully I will not tolerate very long. I would rather go hungry and sleep on sawdust than tolerate dealing for very long with a control freak. CF's are a combination of arrogance, pomposity, stupidity, and power that is about as ugly as most people can get. Coldly evil people are far worse, but for most people getting to the control freak stage is probably as far as they will go. Coaches, parents, bosses, managers can all be CF's and trying to rule their underlings lives. When coaches do it it drains all beauty from the game being played because the players are robots simply carrying out the master's plan. When parents do it it is ugly because the parents are trying in their arrogance to remake the child to be like them; it ain't pretty. All of it limits what can be achieved and discovered and lived to the shortcomings and small stature of the CF. When you see true greatness somewhere, someone surpassed those before him or her, and that person was given the freedom by someone to soar way beyond where they were. Thank God for people like that who let others go and do great things.

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