I just watched Invictus, the story of Nelson Mandela and the South African rugby team winning the world cup of rugby. It is amazing how a man with aspirations of doing something great can inspire others to truly do something beyond themselves. I have seen the opposite by a coach blinded by ambition for his family that kept him from enabling his team to achieve anything of greatness, he had small goals that entailed pushing forward only his family, and in the end it kept his team from achieving anything of significance, and injuring at least some of those he denied reward to for the sake of his own goals. Great vision for uniting and healing a country torn apart by racial hatred vs small vision for personal and family gain; one led to men rising beyond their abilities and to inspiring great leadership on that South African rugby team. One led to frustrating losses at the end of many seasons while other teams consistently performed well, and to injury emotionally to at least some of those being led.
We must be led by high aspirations, by ideas and goals beyond ourselves, or our lives will diminish to the size of our small and empty thoughts, and we will hurt and not help those around us. Paul the apostle of Jesus thought of himself as the greatest of sinners, but he was being led by Jesus to pursue great things, the bringing of the message of forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life to people who had never heard. Paul's greatness was not achieved because of personal ambition for small minded ideas, but because Jesus gave him a vision to do something truly great, and then empowered him to do so. And Paul wrote much of the New Testament of the Bible that has helped millions and perhaps billions to find peace with God.
So are you content to sit and reach for no goal, and lead an empty and small life? You were made to do much greater. Go and do it with God's guidance and help.
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