Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reflections on being a disciple of Jesus who is from America.

IF my allegiance to America and Jesus ever come to a war, Jesus wins.

If I am asked to choose between the American flag and willingness to lay down my life to see people from a nation America hates or is at war with find Jesus, I will choose to lay down my life for them so they can find eternal peace with God.

I am glad to be an American because I have had many blessings here, but the fact I found Jesus here was due to Jesus and not America.

I am glad that many Americans are willing to fight for freedom, but that freedom is not anywhere near as important as the freedom people in Pakistan or Iran or Indonesia or a communist state like Cuba or China can have by finding Jesus as their savior from sin and guilt.

I am sorry that people died when the twin towers were destroyed and families were put through such a time of sorrow. However, if I am asked to choose the sorrow I will feel over and over between 9/11 and the sorrow of people entering hell forever and ever, I will sorrow over the lost souls. What is really horrible is that there have been over 100,000 deaths in the world in the last 15 hours or so of today, and most of those people will never probably see the face of God, they will spend eternity away from Him. THAT is horrible, that is awful. How many of us care that over 100,000 people have already died today?

If I am asked to pledge allegiance to our flag before I pledge allegiance to Jesus and His cause, then I will never pledge allegiance to our flag again.

If I am asked to stay in a state of remembrance over 9/11 because I think constant grief will help me or America, I will choose instead to move on, for that time is past and constant grief is wrong. If I am asked to remember that God is faithful, I will gladly do so. And I am sure He was faithful to those who went through 9/11 personally- because He is always faithful, and so He is to be praised. If I am asked to remember 9/11 so I can be afraid for my life or always seek to save my life, I will put my life into the hands of my savior and allow Him to pour it out where He will. Do we think that those who went through 9/11 as an experience need to keep grieving? Or is that time over for them? Hopefully It is over and they have found comfort and strength to move on. DO NOT ask them to remain in constant grief. It is too much to bear. Or do we think it is right to remain bitter at our enemies? Vigilance and wisdom are called for, so we protect better our borders as a country. But should I as a Christian, a disciple of the one who laid down His life willingly, thus protect my life more and seek to save it? I will not; I will lay it down gladly.

Don’t ask me to think that God remembers the pain America experienced in 9/11 more than He has felt over the lives taken by tsunamis and earthquakes and wars and terror and hurricanes and cancer and genocide around the world.  The number of lives taken in those things is 1000s the number of lives that was lost in 9/11. God wants no one to perish, but His main concern is over our eternal souls. There are things worse than death. I will not grieve more for Americans than for people of other countries who are lost, or who die.  Death is our enemy wherever we find it.  Pain anywhere in this world deserves our grief; America is not a special case.

DO NOT EVER ASK ME TO REMEMBER ANYTHING PAINFUL FOR AMERICA OR ANY OTHER country before I remember my Savior’s suffering. EVER. If you do, I will with my savior tell you to get behind me, Satan. I will then gladly forget all those countries forever and only remember His suffering.

God is the creator of all men and women everywhere.  God is not America.  God is not red, white and blue.  God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for all the world, not just America or Americans.  This promise is for all people everywhere, that whoever chooses may come to Jesus and drink deeply of the eternal life He offers; borders, color of skin, country allegiance, all of these matter not to Him.  If you hear His voice, come to Jesus, you do not have to be an American.  He will gladly take you in.  Then, you do not ever have to become an American or even like America or embrace western values.  God is not western, or eastern, or northern.  He is the living God.  He is who He is.  He is worthy of all our praise and our worship, even if it costs our lives.

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