I paint; or sometimes I have. When I paint, I put paint on a canvas or other surface to show what I want. The canvas is my world. I put together the mix of color and pattern I want or find pleasing.
This life is most assuredly God's world and His reality. He is putting together the colors of experience for the human race and mix of the whole creation in the way He sees fit. And the way He sees fit will bring glory to His son Jesus. And as God sees fit to accomplish whatever He pleases to glorify His son, and that included sacrificing Him on a tree, He has given the same authority to Jesus. A friend recently prayed how Jesus is reality. So if He wanted to walk on water, He could. That is reality. The creation does not bend the creator to its will; no, it's the other way. So in a very fundamental way, reality is about Jesus, NOT about us. We are on His canvas and He is the painter.
And His will for this masterpiece includes people from all languages and ethnicities to be part of the glory of what He is painting; He's not leaving anyone off. The painting has us in it, but He is the painter and it's all for His glory.
I think many of us need to think about this; our life FUNDAMENTALLY is NOT about us, it's about Him. He is the painter, we are the paint.
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