Friday, February 4, 2011

Can you say TEE, I know you can

Exciting things are in the air around here.
I have the opportunity to go to an Asian country in June to help work with some disciples. The group I will be going with is called Master's Bible school. It is not affiliated with Master's Bible College. It is a local group near where I live that is serving those in other countries who are already doing the work of the missionary, or evangelist, or pastor, but who lack formal training. We will serve them by providing some intense training over a short period that will work for them to help them in their work for the Lord. This is basically a form of what is called Theological Education by Extension, or TEE. There are many people in Christian work around the world who can benefit from this because they have neither the means or the time to just stop and go to seminary. So if someone can go to them and help, it's a great service for them. Cool, huh?
About a year or more ago I started telling Kim my wife that i wanted to help Pastors, and missionaries, and evangelists in their teaching. I have become interested in moving away from high school public education teaching toward something that would serve those working for Christ's kingdom, but I have also had a strong interest in missions and seeing the world far away from the gospel at present reached for Jesus. I was maybe interested in working at a seminary. But I didn't see how to get there. And then God was leading my pastor to go on a mission trip to Bangladesh with Master's Bible School. But his trip fell through. Then I went with him to a meeting of the board of Master's Bible school where we heard some reports, etc. And God is showing me that this really fits just what I had been thinking. And I have been praying hard lately about moving on from teaching where I am; it's time. And this group is in my backyard, so to speak, from a small town toward the coast called Camas Valley. I believe God is really opening this door. But we will see. The board president of MBS and I have had a good conversation about this, and he see God moving in this as well. So for those of you who pray, after you catch your breath from that whirlwind story :) please put this as something to pray about that God will work and move and glorify His great name.
I honestly do hope this can develop into a long term work for me. But I have had my eyes opened to the door of TEE and the work of TEE, and I believe it is where God is sending me. And for now I want to pursue this TEE work with Master's Bible school. Pray God will lead and take care of the details.
For the short term, the trip to ____ in June is about 4.5 months away. Pray God will make that happen, if it is His will. I also may have the opportunity to teach remotely to some disciples in Africa in March. Pray the Lord will open or close that door for His pleasure and glory.
Thanks, and thanks for letting me share these thoughts with you.
You can check out the Master's Bible School website at
ps I am going to try to be careful where I reference going to not be too exact as I don't know who may read this and it will help protect those we go to serve and perhaps keep unneeded eyes from seeing things or saying things that might close doors. If you talk with me more privately I can probably say more in terms of details.