Saturday, October 8, 2011

Americans complain about all the wrong things

 "I hate housework"
"I have taxes that are too high"
"I hate getting up early for my work"
"Raising children is too hard"
"I am done being a mother"
"We have too many laws in our country restricting us"

To which I reply:
At least you have a house.  Would you prefer a cardboard roof or the shanty of a Brazilian slum dweller?

At least you have a government that does help its people.  Would you prefer a military junta that offers no education for the children of the country like in Myanmar, or one where the teachers take the money but don't show up like in NE India? 

At least you have work that pays you 10 dollars or more per hour.  Would prefer work that pays you 2 dollars per day like around 800 million people in India live on? 

At least you have children.  Would you prefer the one child policy of China?  Or the tradition that leads to most baby girls in India being killed because of wanting more males? 

At least you are a mother.  Or would you prefer to be barren or to be left in old age with no one to think of you or visit you? 

At least we have law and order.  Would you prefer to live in Sudan or other places where there is genocide or guerrilla warfare?

We Americans are rich and spoiled.  We have so much and take so much for granted.  Maybe more of us should take a trip to see another spot in the world.

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