Saturday, October 1, 2011

Overspending in the day of slaughter

I am absolutely stunned, and shocked, and feel caught in a whirlwind of hedonism in America. Why do we spend money and use resources here the way we do? And I write this for those who follow Jesus, or who really want to that live here. I understand why those who don't live this way: they think life really does consist in the abundance of their possessions, and they seek to fill an eternal soul with that which won't last. This is an endless hopeless goal. And I am ashamed and saddened that I have walked this selfish and indulgent road myself. But when so many people in the world are lost, and so many peoples have never heard the good news, how is it possible that those who follow the one who laid down his life and had no place to ay his head have SO MANY places to lay theirs.

Let's consider some numbers:
First: we comprise about 330 million people which is about 5% of the world. We use 25% of the world's oil. 25%. (This is from

In 2009 we were about 29% of the world's consumer market. This is from Wikipedia's list of largest consumer markets.

In 2010, the average American income was about 61,000 dollars. We spent on average about 3200 on healthcare, 2500 on entertainment, 7700 on transportation, 1700 on apparel and services, about 5400 on personal insurance and pensions, and about 1600 on "cash contributions." This last one is our charitable giving, which would include all money given for missions. "Cash contributions, which includes payments to charities and religious organizations, fell 6.0 percent from 2008 to 2010." This is from the website

I am afraid we are caught in a whirlwind of the tyranny of money, consumerism, and comfort. We work as hard as we do so we can have the lion's share of whatever we want. I am also convinced by my experiences in the past 30 years that those who follow Jesus live just like everyone else. There are exceptions.

It is not a cutback here and there that those who follow Jesus need. That's like fish in the fish tank deciding to take a few plants and move them over to the other side of the tank, or move a bauble here and there. I think we need to jump out of the bowl altogether.

And wealth, per se, is not the issue at all. We can do much good with wealth.

The thing we must do is get our heads around perceiving the needs of the world, those who are lost, and perceiving the commands of Christ that relate to them and His call on our lives, and living in such a way that supports accomplishing that call. We should NOT be just jumping into the American way of life and then asking, "Oh, by the way, Jesus, what do you want from me?" It's too late and what we do then will probably mask the deep issues that really keep us from following Him sacrificially. I believe that is what has happened to me and I am determined to change course and go a new way. But I have a hunch I will need to travel with others who want to do the same. Maybe we can start a new way of living. My hunch is we will have to go together, go in prayer, with a keen eye on His commands and call.

I am not sure where to start, but I think it starts with not assuming ANYTHING I have or do right now is mine. It is all on the altar and all needs to have a match at the ready. Cell phones, internet, insurance, multiple cars, etc. Unless anything supports His call and His commands, why is it in my life? Regardless of how it got there, it is now my enemy if it contravenes His call. Oh Lord. lead and guide out of this morass of consumer self-indulgence.

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